Package org.jcae.mesh.cad

Interface Summary
CADCompound Describe a topological solid
CADCompSolid Describe a topological compsolid
CADEdge Describe a topological edge.
CADExplorer Explores a topological data structure.
CADFace Describe a topological face.
CADGeomCurve2D Describe a geometrical 2D curve
CADGeomCurve3D Describe a geometrical 2D curve
CADGeomSurface Describe a geometrical surface
CADIterator Iterator on sub-shapes.
CADShape Describe a topological shape with an orientation, a location and a geometry
CADShell Describe a topological shell
CADSolid Describe a topological solid
CADVertex Describe a topological vertex
CADWire Describe a topological a wire, that is a list of connected edges.
CADWireExplorer Explores edges of a wire

Class Summary
CADShapeEnum Typesafe enum of CAD types
CADShapeFactory Class to provide factory methods